Google announces a new sign for Chrome – what do you need to know

Mar 25
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Recently there have been many titles about how Google is removing things: time data deletions, Gmail e -mail and photo content, and even 2Fa codes using SMS. But Google likes to give too, especially when it comes to security. If this is $ 11.8 million in payments for hackers for detecting weaknesses, or scanning it for Android messages and calls. Google has also now confirmed that it is giving the users of the browser of Chrome an extended experience, including security measures. Here’s what you need to know.

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Here’s what is new to the users of chrome enterprises

Chrome has become the predetermined browser for a large number of business users, with employees spending most of their work day within its limits. The Chrome company, in particular, enables them to allow businesses to allow workers to benefit a well -known browser that they know from their use away from work while giving security teams access and controls to help them do their job. Now, new improvements in Enterprise Chrome have been confirmed by Google, promising to give greater transparency when it comes to dividing and browsing personal work and browsing.

“For businesses using Google Workspace or Google Identity,” said Hakan Kilic, group products manager and Julia Lomakina, Product Manager for Chrome Enterprise, in a March 6th announcement, “employees will see a new sign in experience when signing on their chrome profile for work.”

Not only does this new action imply that users will have more visibility in relation to what is managed and shared with their workplace, and that visibility comes as soon as they register, but it will allow them to “create a special profile for the work to keep their bookmakers, history, and more,” Lomakina said.

Not only this good news is from the point of view of building trust by those employees, as the greatest visibility and transparency encourages that they believe as they can see how their organization handles functioning and personal data, but security teams can benefit from improved reporting and data protection for non -managed equipment when using users.

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Reporting the Extended Google Chrome profile

Google has added more skills for IT teams for Chrome Enterprise, with the ability to enable reporting to signature and managed users including Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. “In a simple look,” Lomakina said, “they can get critical information about the browser versions, operating system, policies, additions and whether the device is managed or personal of corporate.”

Because many businesses use Chrome Enterprise as a final final point to help implement secure access to critical applications and data on the browser layer, it is essential for employees to know that they are recorded in corporate browsing experience and this is managed and monitored. Chrome Enterprise now makes the signal easier than ever with the introduction of personalized browser profiles using company logos. “Employees will see more clearly than they are in a managed browser profile, and they can go a deeper level to understand more about their work browser,” Lomakina said; “It allows it and security teams to offer more visibility to their users regarding defenses in the country.”

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