T-Mobile expanded expanded mobile star for rival carriers because of this advertisement Verizon

Feb 25
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T-Mobile initially did not plan to open Starlink mobile service for users in rival carriers. But this changed after Verizon broadcast a commercial with big budget last week looking for his satellite-nesting skills.

“I will be transparent. This was not part of the original plan. And then Verizon released this ad,” Clint Patterson, SVP marketing for T-Mobile, for PCMag in an interview.

The advertising in question contains the legendary NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin stating that Verizon is using satellites to conquer dead cell areas. “With satellite, you can write from anywhere,” he says as he uses a Verizon phone to connect through satellite and plants “satellite Verizon satellite: flags in various distant places.

Trade even contains “can you listen to me now?” Boy, actor Paul Marcarelli, visiting a satellite in space. But while advertising aims to harass customers, he also listed T-Mobile leaders, who claim that Veriziz marketing overestimated his role in providing satellite skills.

“They are telling their clients something we think is a border fraudulent,” Patterson claimed in an interview with PCMag. “And so, we saw advertising advertising something you can’t get and you can’t use on the Verizon network. We felt like,” hey, we really have to do this service available to more people than just our customers. “”

T-Mobile has then broadcast its advertising during the Super Bowl trying to make an even greater spray on satellite connection. The carrier has decided to open his free beta program for Spacex’s Cellular Starlink service for all US users with compatible smartphones. In July, the T-Mobile will also officially launch satellite ability for all American clients, including those from AT&T and Verizon, providing service through downloadable ESIS.

News underlines the growing rivalry in the satellite-telephone market, and how T-Mobile is moving with Spacex to potentially occupy the sector. “We don’t think we are leaders. We know we are the leader,” Patterson said.

The T-Mobile flu with the trade is how Verizon makes it look like the main company that stands behind satellite bonding when it is actually tapping existing satellite messages from Apple and a third-party provider called Skylo.

“Effectively, what they are doing in that ad are talking about those of Apple [satellite] service you can get from anyone. And the Skylo service, which does not touch their network in any way or shape. And then positioning this as it makes their network somewhat better, “Patterson said.” It would be as if we were to position a Wi-Fi provider as somehow making our network better. Just just not. Does not touch their network. He does not use any part of their network. “

Apple and Skylo also rely on a smaller number of satellites to strengthen messages. In contrast, T-Mobile has partned with spacex to operate a rival service through a growing constellation of over 430 satellites and counting. The same satellites have also received the FCC authorization to use the licensed T-Mobile radio spectrum to radiate data on intelligent phones not modified on Earth. For now, satellites only support SMS -based text messages, but eventually they will call in voice and videos, along with online browsing, pending regulatory approval.

That is why Patterson says, “This is the only space -based mobile network in the US period,” Although competition is increasing by Ast Spacemobile and Globalistar of Apple.

(Credit: T-Mobile)

The ambitious T-Mobile plan to open Starlink mobile service for all US users may seem dangerous, given possible blockages and signal quality issues. But Patterson pointed out: “The goal of going to the biggest stage in advertising is to really test this on the scale before our trade start this summer.”

“So we’re sure we can escalate to meet the demand for this,” he added. “But no one has ever done something like this in history … and so we’re getting a very discreet approach.”

As a result, T-Mobile plans to publish new users based on the first, first service income. Currently, it already has “tens of thousands” of T-Mobile subscribers recorded in the beta program, which began accepting registrations in December.

So far, beta has shown T-Mobile and Spacex still need to calm certain areas of service, including unstable signal issues. “We see people who have amazing experiences. We see people who have challenging experiences, “Patterson said.” All of them are great, they are teaching us where to focus. But in general we have positive net promoter results for a service that is in the early beta, which is quite amazing. Eighty percent say ‘Yes, the service is clear and useful’. Eighty -one percent say that ‘is meeting their expectations.’ “

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To improve the quality and covering of the signal, the spacex is preparing to launch hundreds of additional “direct” stars in orbit cells while T-Mobile is optimizing the network. Patterson also revealed that the service expects to provide support for sending images to SMS messages before finishing Beta for free in July.

After that, the T-Mobile will start to load a lot of its customers $ 15 per month for the line for satellite connection; Those who are in its most expensive plan, other go5g and other premium business plans, will take Starlink access as a free taking. US users in other carriers will have to pay $ 20 per month per line to get the ability through a downloadable Esim.

“This is a competitive price of prices against other market solutions,” Patterson said, mentioning that satellite connection will add other features, including international roaming and water coverage. He said T-Mobile has no “no plans” to charge more for more services at the moment.

In response to Patterson’s critic of Buzz Aldrin’s ad, Verizon told Pcmag that he has long been working with satellite providers. “For years, when the emergencies have taken place, we have set satellite -related portable equipment to help first responses and communities maintain the necessary essential communication during those incidents,” the carrier said.

“With new cell towers that provide additional coverage especially in rural areas, clients have used satellite connections until fiber is set. And with technological advances, customers can now use satellite links for messages when mobile coverage is not i Available, ”she said.

Verizon also noted that he is investing $ 100 million in the asthuming asthlon, which is developing its advanced satellites in SMS, data and videos they call on the phone.

That is to say, the National Advertising Division in November recommended that Verizon interrupt or modify claims about his messages with satellite energy as T-Mobile complained that Verizon was not doing enough to discover his services limitations satellite messages.

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Old -man


I’ve worked as a journalist for over 15 years – I started as a reporter of schools and cities in Kansas City and joined PCMag in 2017.

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